Friday, April 12, 2019

Experience in ERP System Selection

A study conducted by Deloitte & Touche compared the preference criteria of businesses that will purchase an ERP system for the first time and that have an ERP system but are looking for a new system. Businesses were asked to specify the first ten criteria they used for their selection, and these criteria were listed in order of importance. The points that the institutions that have received the ERP system for the first time and for the second time attach importance are as follows.


First Time ERP System User

Receiving an ERP System for the Second Time

1. ERP Price  1. Provider Support Level
2. Ease of Installation and Integration 2. Market Known Performance of the Provider
3. Ease of Usage 3. Business Adaptation
4. Business Adaptation 4. Growth Potential
5. Functionality 5. ERP Price
6. Ability to Run on Existing Hardware 6. Documentation Quality
7. Growth Potential 7. Functionality
8. Provider Support Level 8. Ease of Usage
9. Documentation Quality 9. Ease of Installation and Integration
10. Provider's Known Performance in the Market 10. Ability to Run on Existing Hardware 











As can be seen, businesses that will purchase ERP for the first time are looking for services that will create the lowest cost in terms of both financial and time. Businesses that have experience with ERP systems, on the other hand, try to determine their own needs well, find a provider that offers high service quality, and choose a system that is suitable for both the current and future conditions of their companies.